Automation Control Software
for Keyence VHX Microscopes

Elevate your research and analysis with enhanced automation capabilities, access unlimited image stitching, and integrate effortlessly with Python and MATLAB through our robust API.

  • Automatic scanning by recipes

  • Unlimited image stitching

  • Import position lists including reference points for pattern shifting

  • Arbitrarily programable scan positions

  • Customizable file / image naming and folder structure

  • Mapping for auto focus, scan path & depth composition

  • HTTP REST API accessible from Python and MatLab

ScanX Features

ScanX offers high flexibility for customizing your process.

Programs / Recipes

All scan and microscope parameters are defined and
stored in a program or recipe, along with linked position
lists. Programs can be saved and loaded from any

Scan Editor for Mapping

The Scan Editor provides full control over the entire scan process down to each individual image. Tasks such as Autofocus, Depth Composition, Area Exclusion, and Scan Path are defined within a map, which can be linked to any scan position.

Position Lists

With position lists, you can program and load thousands of scan positions and areas, with automatic calculation of stitching parameters when features exceed the field of view.Organizes image names and uses reference marks to adjust scan positions based on the specimen's actual position.

Image Stitching

ScanX features a powerful stitching engine for unlimited image integration, running concurrently with image acquisition. Supports various formats, including VHX compatible TIFF, standard TIFF, JPEG, big TIFF, and the recommended pyramidal TIFF for efficient handling of large gigapixel images.

API for Python and MatLab

Take control of your process and manage ScanX with your own programs and scripts via its robust API for MATLAB and Python.

Area_1 at 20x

Area_1 at 100x


The Classifier is an advanced tool for image browsing, classification, annotation, and graphical programming.

Image of 300mm wafer at 100x with 293’000 x 293’000 pixels opened in classifier

Image Processor

Post-processing tool for VHX scans.

  • Offline Stitching: Allows scans to be stitched on any computer.

  • Change image formats for different requirements.

  • Drag-and-Drop: Easily add and queue scan folders by drag & drop.

  • Microscope Availability: Keeps the microscope free for other processes by performing stitching offline.

Control Capabilities

ScanX controls the following stages and equipment:

  • Keyence microscope: VHX-7000N with VHX-7100 or VHX-7020

  • Keyence stage 100x100mm: S750E

  • IDC large 300mm stage: MI-300 with VK-S1000K

  • Various Aerotech and Peak Metrology stages

  • Prior Scientific Stages and controllers

Get in touch with us

Experience the capabilities of our fully equipped VHX with a 300mm motorized stage MI-300 through our online demos.

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